Underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complexes are ruins of cities and settlements of the Neogene Period, survivors of disasters and floods. Part 1. What is underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex? - Earth before the Flood: Disappeared Continents and Civilizations

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Underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complexes are ruins of cities and settlements of the Neogene Period, survivors of disasters and floods. Part 1. What is underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex?

Remains of disappeared civilizations > Megalythic structures
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That's really true they say: "You never know where you find and where you lose." Yesterday, after a forced unplanned alteration of my Web-site during one year (from July 2012 up to June 2013), I began to sort the photos accumulated in large numbers since the time of my last trips to Israel and Turkey in 2012 - early 2013. A lot of things have been already fairly forgotten, but gradually, with each new viewing photo a picture began to emerge that I saw with my own eyes more than a year ago.
    You probably would like to know: "Where and what have I found and lost?" This proverb is fully applicable to my last visit to Israel in the first half of January 2013. The first day (Orthodox Christmas Eve) didn't foretell anything bad. The sun shone brightly on the clear blue sky and we immediately found National Park Adulam (Adulam Grove Nature Reserve) covered with greenery and flowers and visited the underground structures, placed there: Hurvat Midras, Hurvat Itri and Hurvat Burgin (Horvath Burgin or Borgyn) and Luzit that were not given to us a year ago.
   Burgin or Hurvat (" ruin ", "ruins ") Burgin became one of the key points of my all expeditions. And not because we saw something special here. All the same - rectangular indentations carved in the rocks, numerous gaps of surface and entrances in man-made underground structures, scattered rectangular blocks of pretty weathered limestone , many of which once were megalithic blocks ... And because climbing on top of the hill height of about 400 meters, I was personally convinced once again (in the first time the same feeling came to me after I climbed to the top of the rock city Cavusin in Turkey) that all these rectangular indentations, man-made underground structures and scattered debris of megaliths were one underground-terrestrial megalithic complex which was opened by erosion to a depth of several hundred meters. On that first and last sunny day of my trip I realized how this megalithic complex is widespread throughout the Mediterranean.
    Then something unexpected and quite uncharacteristic for Israel followed and this saddened hearts of my companionsm. During all the days of my stay in this country rain poured down and it was windy and cold as in Moscow in late October. But work is work and we visited a few important previously planned objects, among which we should highlight the necropolis - a complex of underground tombs of Beit Shearim (Beth She'arim) and the caves of Mount Carmel.
When the rain mixed with hail rained particularly hard I watched the local websites with photos of different archaeological sites in Israel. This was, first of all, the reserve for future studies. However, something had noticeable impact on my views and beliefs then. These are splendid photos of a rocky complex (city, known better as Dustrey (Dustery) fortress) near the modern Israeli town Atlit near Haifa.
These are also magnificent photos of the mountain Rosh HaNikra neighborhoods on the Israeli-Lebanese border. Finally, I was particularly amazed by photographs of underground-terrestrial megalithic complex of Nabi Samwil on the Palestinian territories, a few miles from Jerusalem.
    After the visiting and viewing of photos of each new object my belief about global expansion of underground- terrestrial megalithic complex increased. Along with this, some details of its structure and history loomed:
- The most part of these, undoubtedly, the man-made constructions most, ancient in the region, was under water during long time;
- Before they were blocked by sediments and then, in the result of the Alpine orogeny (mountain-building), they were brought again to the surface, where for a long time they had been subjected to a variety of erosion ( physical and chemical weathering);
- Overlapping layers of lithified sedimentary rocks (limestone, sandstone, siltstone and shale) have remained in some places of this complex;
- Through the many thousands or millions of years after the re-output of the complex on the surface, deep erosion and washout of the most part of the overlying sediments ruins of underground structures and remains of megalithic walls were used as a foundation or interior in later palaces, temples , fortresses and other buildings.
    Erected on this ancient megalithic complex structures are known throughout Israel, Turkey and other Mediterranean areas. But they are strikingly different by constructions primitivism (usually they are made of stones or small stone blocks bonded by clay or cement). They are dated back to the IV millennium BC - I millennium AD and they are referred to buildings of Canaan, Philistine, Hebraic, Roman, Byzantine and other civilizations. In contrast to these and similar historical and archaeological sites, underground-terrestrial megalithic complex is characterized by the perfection of underground structures and megalithic masonry.
Among the first buildings we can see underground domes up to 30 meters, large rectangular underground halls with gates, columns and niches carved in the rocks by best Greek architects with grace works, wide extended tunnels with rectangular and arched vaults, cruciform tunnels and halls. Many halls are decorated with bas-reliefs with the image of a cross and other solar symbols.  The remained ruins of megalithic walls consists of rectangular blocks weighing from several tons to 600 tons and even 1200 tons, and tightly matched to each other (it is impossible to push a knife blade between them) without any cementing material.
    A characteristic feature of megalithic structures is the abundance pyramidal and rectangular niches and holes in them, which aren't present in the later construction. Studying of in city and in the photographs of holes in some roof dome-like structures indicates that the giant drills with expanding diameter were used. Nothing similar I have seen in modern construction.

Thus, despite all the hardships that accompanied my trip to Israel in January 2013 (absence of sunny days, not fully examined and not visited places etc.) received results have dispelled my doubts about the global spread of the oldest in the region and, most likely, in the world underground-terrestrial megalithic complex and allowed me to return to Russia and to raise  before the specialized scientific institutions a question of needs of its comprehensive study by joint efforts of geologists, geomorphologists and archaeologists. And let’s agree it is an obvious acquisition. It is possible that this highlighted underground-terrestrial megalithic complex is that complex of the previous world, preceding ours, that according to legend of the Hopi Indians, is now under water (composes a significant part of the continental shelf ). And that complex had been destroyed by the strongest earthquakes, captured by fire of the huge fires, filled in waters of the world floods, the seas and oceans.

    However, with some proviso. As my research has shown, there is not the whole complex under water, but only a part of it (possibly, most part). Another part of the megalithic complex was repeatedly brought to a surface as a result of the Alpine orogeny (mountain-building), which proceeds in the Mediterranean region from the second half of the Miocene up to present days. Although, in general, the Hopi legends, most likely, reflects a true situation. I myself have seen in several locations in Israel and Turkey as underground-terrestrial megalithic complex smoothly immersed in the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, it is more correct to call it an underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex.
Underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex may represent not only the remnants of the previous world of Hopi Indians, but also the ruins of the previous worlds of ancient Greeks, Scandinavians, Slavs, Indians, Iranians, Chinese, Sumerians, Egyptians, Jews, Arabs and many other nations, on the basis of which supreme gods Zeus, Odin, Svarog, Indra, Vishnu, Ahura Mazda, Enlil, Yahweh, Quetzalcoatl, Vira Cocha, Allah and others had reared our modern world. According to the legends of these peoples, the previous world strikingly differed from ours. It was inhabited by giant snakemen, multiarmed beings, various giants, Cyclops, Jeans, who lived side by side with the ancestors of people ... Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic, Indian, Jewish, Peruvian, Arab, African, Polynesian and other legends and ancient manuscripts (including canonical in different religions) says that many of them constructed cyclopean or megalithic structures. Possibly, studying underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex, scientists after H. Schliemann will be able to confirm ancient legends and find out who were the giants inhabited the previous world specially, their construction skills and abilities).
 In this work, written by the results of my trips to Israel and Turkey, and viewing of a large number of publications on these and other areas (Malta, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Peru, Bolivia, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, etc.) I attempted to summarize the collected materials and conclusions drawn on their basis that confirms a global spread of underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex. And not to repeat, I limited myself to brief information about observed facts with links to my previous works in which they are described in detail, and in some cases – photos. And only in the conclusion of work I dared to make a small "lyrical digression" which is summing up the subtotal to my previous researches in this direction.   

How do exits of underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex look?

Before proceeding to the characterization of underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex, it is necessary to explain how its exits look on the surface and at the bottom of the seas and oceans.
    There are, at least, five types of exposures of this complex.

The first type of exposures is most widely developed in hilly and low-mountain areas of the Central and Northern Israel (absolute marks are not more than 400-450 m). These are extensive fields (scatterings) of rectangular and roundish, as a rule, strongly weathered blocks of limestone. Remained in many blocks angles and straight faces testify that they were the ruins of some ancient buildings. The size of some blocks (3 to 10 m) suggests that they are parts of the former megalithic structures (though, perhaps, not always).
See here, here, here
    We can see outcrops of marls and massive limestone, strongly pitted by erosion that are lain under the blocks of limestone. There are square, rectangular and round flutes and remains of the carved walls, rooms and halls in them.
See here, here, here
    Very often in limestone and marls there are holes which leads into man-made underground structures located under their roof. The holes have the different sizes (from a few tens of centimeters to tens of meters) and forms (from perfectly round or square to the wrong form resulted from landslides or karst).
See here, here, here
    Quite often we can see entrances to underground structures carved in the rock and unaccompanied or accompanied by stone staircases.
See here, here, here
    Regions of outcrops of the megalithic complex of this type are covered with pine and mixed coniferous- deciduous forest and meadow grasses with an abundance of flowers. Fig trees (Ficus carica) usually grow in chasms and gaps in limestone.
See here, here, here

The second type of exposures is more common for mountainous region of Central Anatolia (Cappadocia, Turkey) with an altitude of over 500 meters, but it can also be found in low-mountain areas of Northern Israel. They are mountain ridges destroyed by the earthquake and erosion and formed of tuff, sandstone and basalt. On their slopes and crests underground structures (bell caves, halls, rooms, galleries, etc.) are opened in large quantities.
    According to the point of view that currently dominates among archaeologists, underground structures of such rocky cities were carved in rocks in historical time (since IV millennium BC to the XIII century AD). However, I have taken a detailed study of rocky towns of Tatlarin, Cavusin and Nevsehir in Cappadocia and it showed that they arose from the failure and erosion of mountain slopes. Earlier they were the usual underground cities which placed deeply underground: judging by the magnitude of erosion, they were located at a depth of 500 m or more from the surface.
See here, here, here

According to the point of view that currently dominates among archaeologists, underground structures of such rocky cities were carved in rocks in historical time (since IV millennium BC to the XIII century AD). However, I have taken a detailed study of rocky towns of Tatlarin, Cavusin and Nevsehir in Cappadocia and it showed that they arose from the failure and erosion of mountain slopes. Earlier they were the usual underground cities which placed deeply underground: judging by the magnitude of erosion, they were located at a depth of 500 m or more from the surface.

The third type of exposures is widely developed in Central Anatolia (Cappadocia, Turkey), and also in Central and, apparently, some regions of Northern Israel. In Cappadocia they are usual multitiered underground cities carved in tuffs and ignimbrites with numerous galleries, rooms and halls up to 80 meters in depth and more. In Israel they are megalithic structures carved in the rocks (mainly limestone and chalk) and consisted of underground galleries, rooms, halls and bell caves with many pyramidal, rectangular and roundish niches – the so-called columbaria cut-out within the walls.
See here, here, here

The fourth type of exposures is met in several coastal areas of Turkey (within the city of Antalya) and Israel (Tel Dore and Rosh HaNikra near the Israeli-Lebanese border). It represents rectangular, seldom square and round grooves in depth from a few tens of centimeters to several meters on the rocky shores of the Mediterranean Sea, which are embedded in limestone, tuff, sandstone, basalt and other rocks.
See here, here, here
    The most part of these recesses represents "trenches", "wells", "pools" with ideally equal lateral sides, right angles, etc.
    Another part of them is "sealed" by lithified sedimentary rocks (limestone, marl, and silty shales). In hardness they are close to the rocks in which the recesses are cut out. It is not possible to identify immediately this type of exposures. But they almost always are clearly visible in the photographs.

See here
    According to the point of view that currently dominates among archaeologists, similar recesses ("trench", "wells", "pools") in the bedrock of Mediterranean coast are career or quarries used since the II millennium BC up to now. However, this contradicts the observed filling of some "pits" or "quarries" lithified by sedimentary rocks, as a minimum, of the Miocene- Pliocene age (additional research is needed to clarify their age).
    Very curious formations are bared on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea near Antalya in the place called by me as Jernokleev site.

See here
    Here you can find the square and rectangular recesses ("trench", "pools") up to several meters in depth in the Jurassic or Cretaceous crinoidal limestones. Limestones are overlapped by porous basalts and andesites and some unusual, very strong pink "cement", which includes fragments of limestones, volcanic bombs and lapilli of basaltic and andesite composition, as well as fragments of Quaternary travertine and ceramics widespread in this region. Pink "cement" has an artificial origin. There is no doubt in this because it cements ruins of alone towering building it is a stretch of coastline cements lonely towering ruins of the building on one site of the coast.
At the same time I have big doubts concerning definition of its age by archeologists who consider that all remained man-made constructions in this region were built in the Middle Ages.   
    It is contradicted by a number of the facts.
    Firstly, same as in cement, ceramic fragments are found in basalts.
    Secondly, there is not in the present and were no active volcanoes in historical time in this area. There are no hints of volcanic cones existence here in the past, and they surely had to be at emission of volcanic bombs, lapilly and outpouring of porous basalt lavas.
    The age of located considerably to the east and to the north basalts is defined as of the Quaternary, Pliocene-Quaternary or Pliocene, that is in the range of 5.3 million years – the present day. Considering that time of existence of separate volcanoes is about hundred thousand - millions years, and the erosion of a volcanic cone, for example, height of 500 m, should take not less than 500 thousand – 1 million years, it is possible to speak quite with confidence that on Anatolian coast we met basalts which have, at least, the Middle-Early Quaternary age, that is they poured out no later than 500 thousand - 1 million years ago. This allows to remove approximately the same time of production of pink "cement", and, that for us it is more important, to establish that works in "pits" and "stone quarries" couldn't be carried out later, than 1 million – 500 thousand years ago. And it serves as additional argument in favor of an antiquity of an underground-terrestrial megalithic complex allocated by me.

The fifth type was determined by me in coastal rocks of the Mediterranean Sea on the island of Kekova (Turkey), opposite to the settlement of Kale (Calais) in southwest part of Turkey, and between the mountain Rosh HaNikra on the Israeli-Lebanese border and the town of Achziv or Rosh HaNikra in the north of Israel.
    This type of exposures differs from all earlier described exposures only that embedded in the rock recesses ("trenches", "wells", "pools" etc.), the remains of walls, rooms, halls, wells and stairs (both opened and "sealed" by lithified deposits) are submerged under the sea surface and and proceed on a seabed, being magnificent objects for the study of scuba divers.

See here, here
    Most likely, Yonaguni underwater ruins in the East China Sea in the Ryukyu Islands group (125 km from Taiwan) belong to this type of exposures.

See here
    Some researchers assume existence of similar underwater ruins on a shelf of the Black Sea near Anapa (Russia). As my researches have shown, they can be also on the sea coast within the city of Tel Aviv.

See here  

    Perhaps, there is one more (sixth) very widespread type of exposures of underground-terrestrial megalithic complex. But it is my hypothesis that needs to be tested.

The sixth type of exposures may include tapered weathered outcrops which form the unique landscape of Cappadocia in Central Anatolia (Turkey), also known as "fairy hills". The majority of researchers consider that the similar landscape which isn't meeting more anywhere in the world was created as a result of simultaneous inexplicable impact of different natural forces on rocks (tuffs, ignimbrites, basalts).
See here, here, here
    Looking through literature on this miracle of the nature, I haven't understood why "fairy hills" are present in one places of Cappadocia and aren't present in others? And there, in the same rocks absolutely other forms of a relief are developed. The answer came after studying of archaeological reports in which it was specified that at the sinking of underground constructions in the tuffs and ignimbrites, their surface became firmer.
    And now let's remember a wide spread of bell caves in underground constructions of underground-terrestrial megalithic complex.

See here, here, here
    As I established in my researches, the similar bell caves which have been strongly "washed away" by erosion, meet in the different areas of Cappadocia (Tatlarin, Rose Valley). Sometimes they represent cone-shaped recess in hillsides, sometimes – domed space below chasms in the tuffs and ignimbrites and the same size as the "faery hills".

See here, here
   Earlier I wrote that the rocky cities of Сavusin and Tatlarin are the former underground cities destroyed by earthquakes and erosion on depth of some hundred meters.
    So why not to assume that the dome-shaped forms of weathering, the "faery hills", composing a unique landscape of Cappadocia are the sites of the former underground settlement washed away by an erosion - land erosion is blurred former underground settlements, which inhabitants lived mainly in the dome-shaped underground rooms.  Our studying of a number of modern domes of Cappadocia confirms rather, than disproves such point of view. Many existing holes in them that were used as windows, entrances and exits, apparently, represent the passes that connected the dome-shaped dwellings at a time when they were part of the integrated underground city. Other holes were cut in later, probably, historical time when "fairy hills" were chosen by locals and began to be used as home.

Characteristic of underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex

Having got some idea how do exits of underground-terrestrial megalithic complex look, we can proceed to its characterization.

Let's consider in the beginning what are the underground formations represented the most part of complex. In the different studied areas they are presented in different ways.
    In Central Anatoly (Cappadocia) they are mainly many-tier underground cities up to 80 meters in depth and more with a large number of underground rooms, halls with columns or without them, tunnels and pits that connected them.

See here, here, here
    One of them is the rock city of Tatlarin connected by subways with the underground city of the same name.

See here
    In the rock city of Сavusin along with usual (typical) rooms, halls and tunnels widely presented in the underground cities there are rectangular halls with perfect in technique very smooth walls and rounded niches, columns, arches and gates carved in the rocks in the best antique style, doors and "windows" with a wall thickness of about one meter.

See here
    If in the walls of the rooms of most underground cities and rock city of Tatlarin small niches are often cut down and apparently used for various business purposes, then on the walls of the halls in the rock city of Cavusin we can see numerous bas-reliefs with images of the cross and other solar symbols. In one hall with columns and gate the stone throne is located.
   See here

On the basis of this we can conclude that the underground cities of Cappadocia (including Tatlarin rock city) intended for accommodation of the ordinary population and the rock city of Cavusin (or its part) was the residence of the kings of underground. Though almost nothing is known about subterraneans, nevertheless we can assume that the people who built the underground cities (if they even were men) were sun-worshipers professed religion of sun gods (harmony and life by the Divine principles – nature laws). After many thousand or million years this religion had become a basis Christian religion.
    In the Central and Northern Israel we observed mainly one - and two-story underground cities with branched system of underground tunnels, rooms and halls. Characteristic of such rooms, along with a large number of the various niches used for economic needs, is widespread pyramidal, rare rectangular and roundish cells so-called "columbaria" carved in the walls.
 See here, here  

Another widespread type of underground constructions of the Central Israel are bell caves with cells of "columbaria" and without them up to 20 - 30 meters high which in some places (Beit Guvrin, Luzit in Israel) quite often form grandiose underground systems, at first sight, similar to natural caves.
    Bell cave with "columbaria " cells are found in other underground cities Bell caves meet cells of "columbaria" and in other underground cities, for example, in Maresha.
    Very characteristic element of architecture of the underground cities of Israel and Turkey are cruciform halls and cross-shaped intersection of tunnels. And bas-reliefs of a cross are often carved over entrances to underground constructions.
See here

Land formations
of underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex are developed less widely, than underground formations. We studied them in a tunnel of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in the Jerusalem Archaeological Park, Nimrod Fortress, and we met them in a small amount near ancient settlement of Susiya and some other places. Apparently, they are present also near the ancient settlement of Nabi Samwil at the Palestinian Authority, as well as widespread in Baalbek, Lebanon.
    Land megalithic formations compose ruins of cyclopean walls and buildings which are made of  well processed blocks of limestone, tuff, basalt and andesite with weight from several tons to 600 tons (to 1200 tons in Baalbek). These blocks are densely adjusted to each other without use of any cementing material.

See here, here, here
In some places (Jerusalem Archaeological Park, Nimrod Fortress, Susiya etc.) megalithic blocks have remained in the form of heaps of placers.
See here, here, here
    Quite often they are present in the "allochthonous" bedding in later constructions.
See here, here  

Part 2. Who and when constructed underwater underground-terrestrial megalithic complex

©  A Koltypin, 2013
©  P Oleksenko, 2014 (translation)

We, A. Koltypin the author of this work, and P.Oleksenko the translator of this work, give permission to use this for any purpose except prohibited by applicable law, on condition that our authorship and hyperlink to the site http://earthbeforeflood.com is given.

Read my works "Megalithic structures - erected before the Flood" (in Russian), "When megalithic structures were built? (in Russian), "The most important catastrophe in the history of Earth during which mankind appeared. When it happened?", "Once again about the time of creation of the world and the biblical (Noachic) Flood. The amendments brought by geology and folklore", "Legends and hypotheses about a lunar rabbit, churning of the ocean, spinning up of the firmament (vault of heaven), origin of the Moon and connection of the Moon with death and immortality - the description of catastrophes at the boundaries between the Third and Fourth and the Fourth and Fifth world epochs, acquisition of modern appearance by Earth and emergence of the modern person - Homo Sapiens" (in Russian), "History repeats itself in 150 million years. About equivalence of Aztec and Maya's world epochs and Indian Yugas and about existence of reasonable life in the Carboniferous, Ordovician and other periods" (in Russian), "Hopi - descendants of Spider-Woman. Four worlds in mythology Hopi" and series of my works in the section "Five world epochs and mankinds (humankinds) of the Maya, Nahua and Aztecs"

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